We want to talk with you regularly about improving quality.

We’re improving how we partner with you to ensure high quality care and lifestyle outcomes by establishing regular quality performance meetings with residents and clients.

Our Quality Care Advisory Meetings are held monthly in our Residential Care homes and quarterly for our Home Care clients.

Our managers will share transparent information with you about our quality management systems and care outcomes and seek your feedback and suggestions for improvement. This feedback will be used to provide six monthly reports to the CCH Board, advising the Directors about how we can best support residents’ and clients’ safety, health, and wellbeing.

Commencing in 2024, our annual CCH Advisory Forum will provide an opportunity for residents, clients and their representatives to contribute to discussion with the CCH Board of Directors and CCH Executives on topics including positive ageing, quality outcomes and continuous improvement.

The CCH Quality Care Advisory Meetings are open to all CCH Residential Care residents and Home Care clients, and their representatives. If you are interested in attending, please contact your relevant CCH service for more information.

Ph. 08 8165 6400
E. receptionmagill@claytonhomes.com.au

Park Village
Ph. 08 8283 6600
E. receptionparkvillage@claytonhomes.com.au

Ph. 08 8404 8100
E. receptionprospect@claytonhomes.com.au

Onkaparinga Valley
Ph. 08 8389 7566
E. receptionov@claytonhomes.com.au

Ph. 08 7118 2126
E. receptionsummerhill@claytonhomes.com.au

Home Care
M. 0437 954 452
E. homecare@claytonhomes.com.au