Dear CCH Residents, Clients and Representatives,

You are invited to express your interest in becoming a member of the CCH ‘Aged Services Advisory Body’.

The purpose of the Aged Services Advisory Body is to provide a platform for you to offer feedback and suggestions on how CCH can best support the safety, health, and wellbeing of CCH Residential Aged Care Residents and CCH Home Care Clients.

Your feedback will then inform the CCH Board in making decisions and improvements regarding the quality of CCH’s Aged Care Services.


Before submitting your expression of interest, please ensure that you have read and understood the following documents:

Expressions of Interest

To express your interest in joining the CCH Aged Services Advisory Body, please complete the Online Expression of Interest Form below, or click here to download the editable pdf version, and once completed, email to or give to the manager of the CCH Service Area that applies to you.